In late August this year, Hurricane Harvey arrived in Houston, Texas and devastated the area. Thousands were left homeless and had to evacuate due to hurricane winds and several feet of rain. In the aftermath, there are still thousands of people trying to put their lives back together. Most families were without flood insurance and the owners will have to rebuild on their own or with the help of relief organizations.
This disaster hit close to home for me. I have a niece in Houston. She is living 20 miles outside of downtown. Her home was not impacted, however, I felt called to go and help. I will be driving to Houston Sunday, October 8, to volunteer for the week with an organization called Samaritan’s Purse. We will be removing mud and wet, moldy drywall from homes that are not insured so that they can be rebuilt. I will be taking bottled water and Gatorade to hand out while I am there and will gladly deliver any donations to Samaritan’s Purse that can be used toward rebuilding.
Many people step up to help in the days after the hurricane when the story is in the news every day, but as the story fades, the need does not.
If you would like to donate water, Gatorade or money, I will make sure it gets to the right place. For monetary donations, please make checks out to Samaritan’s Purse. Any donations may be dropped off (not mailed please) by noon this Friday, October 6th, to our ESS office at 2406 E. University Ave in Urbana, IL 61802) in order to make the journey to those in need.
Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity,