Help us Go Green – Electronic time off request form!

We have now switched to an electronic form to request future time off to make the process easier for you and more green for the environment! You’ll now get an email back with the completed form as soon as you submit it and an approval notification within three business days. To access the form, go [...]

By |2019-06-14T13:09:00-05:00June 14th, 2019|Press Releases|

2nd Quarter 2019 Perfect Attendance – $50 Winners – Congratulations!!!

Bloomington Branch:  Jawon Austin, Dwight Ayuso, Chrystal Ballenger, Richard Barnes, Lisa Bernauer. Renee Brewer, Betina Bryant, John Clymer, Julianne Cook, Michael Cowan, Peggy Fitzwater, Stephanie Hallmark, Betty   Hartung, Skylar Holland, Mary Holmes, Leslie Huebsch, Nicholas Irvin, Mary James, John Janssen, Mary Janssen, Tab Kraft, Adam Litwiller, Christopher Lynn, Thomas Mann, Allison Mcguire, James Nebel, Richard [...]

By |2019-06-18T09:46:26-05:00June 13th, 2019|Press Releases|
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