This past week has been dramatic and stressful.  We are ALL impacted by the Coronavirus.  It has changed our attitudes, our activities and our access to the things we enjoy (like toilet paper).  One thing that has not changed is how important our jobs are.  You are on the front line fighting back the coronavirus in the workplace.  I am incredibly proud of the business we are in and proud of you all working to protect our customers.

Please stay safe and protect yourself.  I have been learning as much as possible about this virus.   I encourage you to take these important precautions to protect yourself at work and protect your family when you get home.

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after putting on your gloves. Wear your gloves at all times when working.
  2. Remove your clothes when you get home from work and wash them. Evidence suggests that the virus does not live as long on clothing as it does on hard surfaces, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  3. Stay away from other people at work (6 feet apart)
  4. Never touch your face at work, especially your eyes, nose and mouth!
  5. Do not come to work if you are sick.

Even if the coronavirus is not yet in your town or city, PLEASE take precautions and develop good habits so that you are prepared if it does come to your town.  Take good care and let us know how we can help.

Paul Taylor